모든 고객 만족이 우리의 목적이 되도록 고품질 제품, 고품질 서비스!

HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

Trade News

The concentration of the steel industry continues to increase

China's two steel groups have been officially restructured. After the reorganization, crude steel production is close to 90 million tons, just one step away from the 92.5 million tons of ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steel group.

China is the world's largest steel producer. The World Metals Bulletin disclosed in June this year that the global steel companies' crude steel output rankings in 2018 showed that among the 130 steel companies in the world, China accounted for 66, accounting for more than half; The top 10 steel companies in China have 5 seats, and the top 20 are half.

However, the concentration of China's steel industry is not high. According to the statistics of China Steel Association, the top 10 steel enterprises in China in 2018 totaled 340 million tons, accounting for only 36.5% of the total domestic steel production. After the "strong alliance", the international discourse power of China's steel industry will be further enhanced, and the industry concentration is expected to increase by 1.5 percentage points.

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