모든 고객 만족이 우리의 목적이 되도록 고품질 제품, 고품질 서비스!

HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

Trade News

The 12th China Steel Annual Meeting

On October 15, the 12th China Steel Annual Meeting was held in Beijing. The meeting indicated that the next stage of work should focus on the following aspects.
First, accelerate the upgrading of product structure and promote the research and development and industrialization of high-end steel products.
The second is to optimize the production capacity structure and enterprise structure, and build world-class brands and world-class enterprises.
The third is to vigorously develop and promote the application of energy-saving and environmental protection process technology and equipment, and strengthen the recycling of resources under the industrial chain.
The fourth is to do a good job of joint development and coordinated development with resources, energy and downstream application industries.
Fifth, through the development of multi-modal international cooperation, we will do a good job of “controlling” the international mineral resources and enhance our resource support capabilities.
Sixth, actively implement the “going out” strategy, improve the level of international management, and combine the construction needs of countries along the “Belt and Road” to promote advanced equipment, technology, management, and capital “going out”.

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