모든 고객 만족이 우리의 목적이 되도록 고품질 제품, 고품질 서비스!

HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

Trade News

Steel market forecast this week 20191014

 1. From the supply level, the overall supply of section steel has increased significantly after the festival, and the market resource arrival situation is also increasing gradually. Therefore, the spot market resource pressure may have a strong impact on the price in the short term.

2. Market demand after the festival is generally general, low-price resources are still traded, but the performance is poor after the price rebounds properly. Therefore, most of the business operations are shipment-oriented, and the quotation is weak and stable.

3. Although the current spot cost is lower than the previous period, with the decline of the spot market price, the spot resource price is close to the cost, while the main agents have partial inversion, and the market merchants who face the continuing poor performance are unwilling to pull down the market price quickly, so the stable and loose become the mainstream phenomenon.

최신 가격을 받으시겠습니까? 우리는 가능한 한 빨리 응답 할 것이다 (12 시간 이내에)

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