모든 고객 만족이 우리의 목적이 되도록 고품질 제품, 고품질 서비스!

HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

Trade News

Steel market forecast

   Steel market forecast

          In August ,  steel mills  in Tangshan District resumed production one after another  (with environmental restrictions in July . Last week ,  the productivity utilization rate of blast furnace rose to  76.98% .  This week Tangshan Iron and Steel Works blast furnace capacity utilization may decline ,  but there is no need to expect too much.

        In the short term ,  steel market performance is more tangled ,  steel price rebound is still not strong  .  On the one hand ,  last week some regional steel mills centralized production restriction plan ,  but also stimulated the downstream replenishment ,  steel market turnover has warmed up , supply and demand pressure eased .  On the other hand ,  due to the sharp fall in mineral prices and the improvement of steel mills'profits in the later period ,  the market  is  doubtful  about the productivity  reduction and sustainability ,  and demand  is  still  unstable  in  the  off-season ,  so the market is cautious.


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