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HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

Trade News

New era, new steel, new journey

The new era calls for new steel. As an important pillar industry of the national economy, iron and steel industry will still have a basic position in the modern industrial system, a pillar position in the high-quality development, and an important position in the construction of ecological civilization. Such a position determines that we must establish a new role consciousness of participants, builders and leaders in high-quality economic development, undertake new missions and embark on a new journey.

The so-called new mission of the new iron and steel industry is to continue to hold the initiative of building a strong iron and steel country and satisfying the people's yearning for a better life. On the basis of adhering to the first priority of development, we should strive to solve the problem of insufficient development imbalance, take the lead in realizing both large and strong modernization of iron and steel and support China's "two hundred years". Achieving goals.

The so-called new journey of new iron and steel is to continue to take the spirit of self-revolution, reform and innovation, adhere to the initiative, take the mission bravely, grasp the key issues that restrict development, do solid work and meet difficulties; it is to take improving the quality of supply system as the main direction of attack, and take green, low-carbon and environmental protection and safety as the primary responsibility. Ren, speed up the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, focus on resolving excess capacity, strive to build an innovative, international, low-carbon green, sustainable operation of modern iron and steel industry, towards the high-end of the global value chain.

Initial heart is unchanged, mission is urged. It is the logic of 70 years'brilliant development of iron and steel industry and the inexhaustible motive force for us to continue to advance. Entering a new era and standing at a new starting point, the iron and steel industry will continue to open roads and bridges across mountains and rivers, constantly create a new realm of transformation, upgrading and high-quality development, strive for the goal of "two hundred years" and straighten up the backbone of iron and steel in order to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


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