모든 고객 만족이 우리의 목적이 되도록 고품질 제품, 고품질 서비스!

HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

회사 뉴스

National Day Holiday Notice 2019

Departments and colleagues of the company:

According to the Circular on Partial Holiday Arrangements in 2019 promulgated by the State Council and the company regulations, the following is the announcement on National Day Holiday Arrangements in 2019:

I. holiday time:

From Tuesday, October 1, to Monday, October 7, the holidays totaled seven days.

2. Working time:

Resume to work on Tuesday, 8 October

In addition, September 29 (Sunday) and October 12 (Saturday) work.

3. Notes:

Please make good work arrangements before the holidays, and also do a good job of hygiene, cleaning, fire prevention and theft prevention to eliminate potential safety hazards.

I hereby inform you.

Administration Department


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Copyright © 2019 천진홍흥국제무역유한회사. 회사 주소: 중국 허베이성 탕산시 루베이구 서산로공업연구소 이메일: helen12.27@hotmail.com