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HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

Trade News

Characteristics and uses of galvanized steel coils

A galvanized steel coil is a thin steel plate in which a thin steel plate is immersed in a molten zinc bath to adhere a layer of zinc to the surface. Mainly used in construction, home appliances, automobiles, containers, transportation and home business. Especially in the steel structure construction, automobile manufacturing, steel silo manufacturing and other industries.

The characteristics of galvanized steel coils are: strong corrosion resistance, good surface quality, good processing, economical and practical.

Galvanized steel coils can be divided into hot-rolled galvanized coils and cold-rolled hot-dip galvanized coils. According to the application, galvanized steel sheets can be divided into general use, roofing, exterior panels for buildings, structural use, and ridged slabs. Galvanized steel sheets for stretching and deep drawing.

Galvanized steel coil

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