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HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

Trade News

How to choose electric forklifts and diesel forklifts?

Different types of forklifts are used in different occasions. Choosing the right type can effectively improve work efficiency and reduce accidents. Electric forklifts and diesel forklifts have their own advantages.

The advantage of the diesel forklift is that it has a large horsepower, large output power, and can adapt to a variety of environments. Some difficult environments can't help it, and the fuel supply is more timely with the need, and the battery life is good.

The disadvantage is that the engine noise is relatively large, the engine needs regular maintenance, and it is troublesome to repair the fault. If it is indoors, it will affect the indoor air quality star, and the flexibility is low.

forkliftelectric forklift

The electric forklift is a motor that can achieve zero discharge as a power output, zero pollution, and the motor work is relatively quiet. Easy to maintain and simple. It is more convenient to use indoors or small space channels, and the control is simpler than diesel forklifts

The disadvantage is that the power is smaller than the diesel forklift. If the battery is short of power, you need to stop working to charge, basically charging the night during the day. The endurance ability is larger than that of the diesel forklift.

diesel forklift

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