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HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

Trade News

China's steel output hit another high in August, and steel prices welcomed "Golden September and Silver 10"

The output of pig iron in August was 71.17 million tons, up 7.1% year-on-year; the total output of pig iron from January to August was 547.71 million tons, up 6.9% year-on-year; the output of crude steel was 87.25 million tons, up 9.3% year-on-year, and the output of crude steel from January to August was 644.87 million. Tonne, an increase of 9.1% year-on-year; steel output was 106.39 million tons, an increase of 9.8% year-on-year, and steel output from January to August was 803.67 million tons, an increase of 11.0%.

At present, steel prices have performed strongly. The relevant price index platform shows that since September, steel prices have ended the downward channel of the past two months and began to rebound slightly.

Due to the good climatic factors in the autumn, it is conducive to the downstream construction. September is a relatively good season for steel sales. The downstream factors are the main factors supporting the slight rebound of steel prices. At the same time, with the arrival of the National Day holiday, the steel mills The production restriction measures have been opened since September. (Source: Economic Observer Network)

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