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HONGXING 그룹 탑 10

회사 뉴스

Business training _HONGXING Steel

Business training _HONGXING Steel

 On June 10, our company participated in relevant training in the iron and steel industry, so that our employees can fully understand the development trend of the industry, the development trend of the international market, the promotion of new products and technologies, and the promotion of after-sales service.

Business training


Mr. Tian Jingke is a gold medal lecturer of Alibaba and an expert in China's foreign trade practice. He has been engaged in foreign trade business for 24 years, covering various fields. He has rich experience in foreign trade enterprise management, foreign trade team building, overseas customer development and foreign trade sales.

At the beginning of the training, Mr. Tian Jingke introduced the theme by a case. He exchanged with the participants and discussed the links in the process of foreign trade transaction and the problems that should be paid attention to in these links. During the training, everyone listened carefully and took notes. Teacher Tian Jingke used humorous and interesting language to activate the atmosphere of the meeting and arouse everyone's enthusiasm.

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