모든 고객 만족이 우리의 목적이 되도록 고품질 제품, 고품질 서비스!

HONGXING 그룹 탑 10


Hongxing group development co.,ltd sent experienced engineers to Vietnam factory to guide installation.​

Hongxing group development co.,ltd sent experienced engineers to Vietnam factory to guide installation.

Concrete pipe pile mold

Concrete pile machine installing and debugging and on-site experiments

Definition of Scientific and Technological Terms:

English Name of Pipe Mould: Pipe Mould

 Definition: Device for producing water-cooled ductile iron pipes of different sizes.

 Subject: Mechanical Engineering (Grade I)brief introductionPipe die, also known as metal water-cooled ductile iron pipe die, is mainly used in ductile iron pipe production.

최신 가격을 받으시겠습니까? 우리는 가능한 한 빨리 응답 할 것이다 (12 시간 이내에)

개인 정보 정책

알리바바 웹 시타
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